Sexual lyrics lead young girls astray

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

Sexually explicit song lyrics are encouraging vulnerable young girls to experiment with sex, according to a psychologist. This latest warning by Dr Jane McCartney is likely to add to concern about the increasing sexualisation of the nation’s children. Warning about the dangers of explicit lyrics, Dr McCartney said: ‘I think it is making children think this social behaviour is the norm and the danger is when you have girls listening to girls singing about it.’ The psychologist also warned that the suggestive lyrics, used by artists such as Lady Gaga, could give girls the impression that they are in control, when the stark reality is often quite the opposite. Dr McCartney’s warning echoes the findings of a previous report, commissioned by the Home Office, which warned that children are being harmed by exposure to violent and sexual images.

Pray: for our young people that, with quality support they will be better able to resist the sexual pressures put on them. (Pr.10:17)


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