Seven aids for general election intercession

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

For those of us finding it difficult to hear God’s still small voice in the orchestra of political sound bites there are a number of valuable websites available to help our intercessions in the final lap of the election race. (hustings) documents a summary of the local husting meetings held in the past few weeks. (2) The Care General Election Prayer Guide can be downloaded from Prayer Forum  (3) Initiatives and suggestions from Christians in Politics can be downloaded at Susa (4) A concise election twelve point prayer plan is on the World Prayer Centre website (5) 24-7 Prayer offer an election prayer meeting plan that can be downloaded from EAUK  (6) Information concerning the Christian Peoples Alliance candidates and speeches are at   (7) This week's Insight article is a scripture based prayer pointer distributed through the Parliamentary Prayer Fellowship. Click the 'info' button.

Pray: as the Lord leads into areas of government and the election process. (1Ti.2:1-2)


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