Schools block Gideons offering Bibles

Written by Super User 18 Apr 2011

Two schools in Staffordshire have been accused of trying to ‘silence Christianity’ by banning the Gideons from offering children a free Bible. Despite thousands of schools welcoming the respected group each year, Abbot Beyne School and Paget High School claimed the offer of a Bible was inappropriate. Critics say the schools are being overly sensitive and questioned whether they may be pushing an agnostic agenda. Each year the Gideons offer copies of the New Testament and Psalms to children in thousands of British secondary schools. The Bible Society’s Canon Dr Ann Holt said: ‘I have never met a single person of another faith in this country who objected to distribution of Bibles and the robust teaching of Christian Faith. They expect it. Such actions tend to come from white agnostics with an agenda of their own, or from people who really do not know how to manage the co-existence of a number of faiths.’

Pray: for a change of heart from the school leaders at these schools. (2Sa.22:31)


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