Right to Believe petition

Written by Super User 27 Aug 2010

More than 20,000 people have signed a petition expressing support for millions of believers around the world who are denied the right to practice their faith. The Right to Believe petition has been launched by Oxfordshire based Open Doors, which supports persecuted Christians worldwide. It opposes efforts by an Islamic organisation to win the right for governments to choose which religious views are permissible in their country. The Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC) is again introducing the Defamation of Religions Resolution in the United Nations this year. Open Doors believes the terms of the resolution impose substantial limits on the freedom of individuals to express their religious beliefs. It would also criminalise defamation of a particular religion, Islam in particular. The organisation said that persecuted Christians were looking to believers in countries with religious liberty to ‘walk with them on our knees in prayer and on our feet in action’.

Pray: for opposition to be so strong that this resolution will be defeated in the UN. (Tit.2:8)

More: http://www.christiantoday.com/article/thousands.sign.right.to.believe.petition/26551.htm

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