Pre-abortion counselling could cut abortions

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2011

Members of the British Parliament are looking at a plan to require that all women in England considering an abortion undergo pre-abortion counselling - a move they say could stop as many as 60,000 abortions annually. Abortion counselling is currently only offered by abortion businesses, which have a financial incentive to ensure they do not talk women out of having an abortion by emphasizing the numerous alternatives available to them or offering any non-abortion pregnancy assistance. However, the proposed legal changes would have abortion businesses following laws similar to those in the United States that require them to mention other options. Such laws have proven to reduce abortions. Tory MP Nadine Dorries will file the amendment to the Health Bill later this week that would put the abortion counselling rules in place. ‘Abortion has become a factory-efficient process that denies women the right to independent, professional counselling,’ she said.

Pray: that this proposal will be successful and lead to many lives being saved. (Job.12:13)


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