Pray for our new parliament

Written by Super User 24 May 2010

Last week’s general election has brought a change in the political direction of our nation and is being heralded as a ‘new era’. The new partnership has the potential to cause our government to re assess commitments and look again at previously rejected options. As the new members of parliament step into their roles of authority let us pray that decisions made are based on sound biblical values full of truth and justice, and not driven by political convenience or attractive presentations. Many of our politicians now need God’s wisdom and vision for a prosperous and peaceful society. Christain Concern for our Nation are asking Christians to pray for those elected to parliament asking that they may be good governors; giving thanks for the Christian MPs amongst them and to bathe them in prayer so they may stand firm in the truth of the gospel from the outset.

Pray: that the LORD would have mercy on our nation, turning hearts to Him and raising up godly leaders. (Ro.15:5)


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