Portsmouth: year’s worship in one day

Written by Super User 11 Nov 2010

Portsmouth Cathedral has held its first ‘24 Hours of Worship’. Churchgoers worshipped in a different style each hour, including prayer, praise, music, reflection, healing, and silence, beginning at 7 p.m. on Friday 5 Nov and ending at 7 p.m. on Saturday. The event was the idea of the diocesan youth and children’s work adviser, Ben Mizen, who joined forces with the City Centre Pioneer Minister, the Rev Mark Rodel, and the diocesan liturgy and worship group, to celebrate the main festivals of the church calendar in one day, beginning with Advent and ending with Pentecost. Groups known to have a unique style of worship were invited to take part. The 13th-century chapel of St Thomas was used for plainsong lauds at 2 a.m., and a healing service at 7 a.m. The nave was used for a Christmas Taizé Eucharist; an episcopal Eucharist, led by the new Bishop of Portsmouth, the Rt Rev Christopher Foster; and for psalms chanted by the congregation. The chior was used for a choral Passion.

Pray: this event in Portsmouth will strengthen the congregation’s faith and be a light to others. (Ac.4:24)

More: http://www.churchtimes.co.uk/content.asp?id=103325

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