Poll reveals 1 in 4 disabled rail passengers suffer hate crime or abuse

Written by Super User 02 May 2013

One in four disabled rail passengers has suffered a hate crime or abuse, according to new research published today (24 April)) by the Trades Union Congress (TUC) Action for Rail campaign. The poll of 1,031 disabled people reveals that over a quarter (27 per cent) of disabled rail users have been targeted while at stations or on trains, with over two-fifths of wheelchair users (43 per cent) and travellers with visual impairments (41 per cent) reporting abuses. The survey, by pollsters Survation, comes as train operating companies prepare to embark upon a major programme of cuts that Action for Rail fears could see the loss of 7,000 train guards and 7,000 station staff over the next six years. If the cuts go ahead, Action for Rail is concerned that over seven in 10 (73 per cent ) of the UK's stations could become un-staffed by the end of the decade, and that all trains would lose their guards.

Pray: that the authorities will be sensitive to the needs of those who have disabilities and especially when they are abused. (Pr.29:7)

More: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/18332


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