Police need to reclaim streets

Written by Super User 24 Sep 2010

Police have ‘given up’ on the street and are failing to take problems caused by anti-social behaviour as seriously as victims do, a police chief says. About 45% (3.5m) of police calls relate to anti-social behaviour, but Chief Inspector of Constabulary Sir Denis O'Connor said officers did not regard it as real crime and were slow to act. He warned cutting spending on the issue would be ‘a very significant mistake’. Police chiefs say they are deeply aware of the impact of anti-social behaviour. Home Secretary Theresa May said the report was a ‘damning indictment of Labour's failure to tackle anti-social behaviour’ and the government was reviewing the tools the police needed to deal with anti-social behaviour because Asbos were ‘clearly not working’. The work of Street Pastors www.streetpastors.co.uk and Street Angels www.streetangels.org.uk/ have contributed to crime reduction in many of the areas where they serve.

Pray: that the Police, together with the Church and all peace-makers, would reclaim the streets bringing law and order and God’s new life. (1Jn.5:5)

More: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11394354

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