Police ban Bible from Christian café

Written by Super User 26 Sep 2011

Police in Lancashire have told the owner of a Christian café to stop displaying Bible texts on a video screen, because it breaches public order laws. Officers attended the Salt & Light Coffee House on Layton Road, Blackpool, on Monday 19 September, following a complaint about ‘insulting’ and ‘homophobic’ material. The café’s owner, Mr Jamie Murray, says the officers did not specify which texts had caused the offence. The Bible texts are displayed on a TV screen at the back of the café. Mr Murray uses a set of DVDs called the Watchword Bible that cycle through the whole of the New Testament verse by verse. Mr Murray is being supported by The Christian Institute, a national charity that defends the religious liberty of Christians. There is widespread concern that the police are misusing the law to clamp down on words or material that others may find ‘insulting’. Civil rights groups worry about the impact on free speech.

Pray: for the police action in this case to be overturned in court as an infringement of free speech. (Pr.4:5)

More: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/video-police-ban-bible-from-christian-cafe/

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