PM says faith has role to play in restoring morality

Written by Super User 07 Oct 2011

The latest edition of ‘Keep The Faith’, a magazine for Britain's black Christian community, is focusing on the riots that swept through English cities during the summer. Writing in the latest edition David Cameron said faith had a role to play in mending the breakdown of responsibility in Britain. ‘For too long in our society we have been unwilling to talk about behaviour and morality. I believe faith leaders have a key role to play in instilling this greater sense of right and wrong – and it is up to us to help in this mission to build a fairer, stronger and more responsible society.’ Offering his take on the cause of the unrest, the Rev Ade Amooba of Christian Concern for the Nation wrote that a united black Christian community could have prevented the riots. Rev David Shosanya called churches to give financial support to organisations working with disenfranchised and vulnerable youths whilst Rev Rose Hudson Wilkins said that liberal society had left a void which churches will have to address.

Pray: for a united church, demonstrating and speaking out something new that addresses economic and ethical issues.(Ps.133:1 & Jn.17:23)


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