Peacemaking Sunday

Written by Super User 21 Sep 2010

Churches are being encouraged to mark the United Nations’ International Day of Peace on 19 September - Peacemaking Sunday - using ecumenical worship resources provided by the Baptist Union of Great Britain, The Methodist Church and the United Reformed Church. The United Nations’ International Day of Peace is celebrated on 21 September and provides an opportunity for individuals, communities and nations to focus on peace and peacemaking in the world and within their own lives. The three denominations have compiled a selection of art, prayers, a sermon guide, meditation and a commissioned hymn designed to help congregations focus on peace this coming Sunday. Mrs Val Morrison, moderator of the General Assembly of the United Reformed Church, says 'Peacemaking Sunday and the United Nations’ Day of Peace highlight our need to pray for peace in the many areas of conflict across the globe, but also, in our own lives and relationships.’ (See also World/Africa below)

Pray: for God’s peace to be upon us all. (Mi.4:3)


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