Nine-year-old British girls forced to marry under sharia law

Written by Super User 02 Feb 2012

Girls as young as nine are being forced to marry in mosques in Islington, according to the findings of a leading women’s rights group. The Iranian and Kurdish Women’s Rights Organisation (IKWRO) has reported that at least 30 forced marriages took place in the borough in 2010, involving at least three 11-year-old and two 9-year-old girls. Similarly, the Ministry of Justice revealed details of over 30 applications for Forced Marriage Protection Orders in 2011, of which ‘five or fewer’ were made to protect children aged 9 to 11. IKWRO has warned that child marriages in Britain could be on the increase. Ms Nammi said that the girls are married off to family friends or family members to stop them from losing their virginity to anyone not chosen by their father. The marriages are conducted by Imams under sharia law, rendering them illegal and void under British law.

Pray: that our justice system and authorities will be able to get to grips with this problem. (Pr.18:5)


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