NHS watchdog to tackle malnutrition in hospitals

Written by Super User 04 Mar 2013

The Department of Health is acting after reports that over 1,000 people have starved to death in NHS hospitals in past four years. The Sunday Express said figures from the Office for National Statistics revealed that for every patient who dies from malnutrition, four more have dehydration mentioned on their death certificate. In 2011, 43 patients starved to death and 291 died in a state of severe malnutrition, the newspaper said, while the number of patients discharged from hospital suffering from malnutrition doubled to 5,558. A Department of Health spokeswoman said: "Every NHS patient should expect to be looked after properly in hospital. It is completely unacceptable if patients go hungry or are malnourished. and they have increased the number of unannounced inspections by the care watchdog to tackle the issue. "We are also investing £100m on IT so nurses can spend more time with patients, not paperwork.

Pray: for response to this issue that will ensure it becomes a tragedy of the past. (Ps.8:4)

More: http://www.guardian.co.uk/society/2013/mar/03/nhs-watchdog-malnutrition-hospitals

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