Muslim says: Christian faith is becoming 'eroded'

Written by Super User 19 May 2010

Britain's national faith is being ‘eroded’ by politically-correct individuals seeking to remove religion from society, a Muslim doctor has claimed. Dr Taj Hargey has warned that numerous secularist groups are sidelining Christianity in the country. He claimed that this was leading to the destruction of the ‘strong moral compass’ and ‘once famous community spirit’ present in the nation. He stated that rather than protecting religion, those in charge are instead contributing towards its marginalisation. ‘I am Muslim. But even as a non-Christian, I can see all too clearly the shameful way in which Britain's national faith is being eroded,’ he explained. ‘The over-riding impression is that the state increasingly favours minority religions over Britain's own.’ A number of religious organisations have spoken out against the introduction of new legislation in the UK which they believe seeks to marginalise Christianity from society.

Pray: that Christians continue to speak out and fight against marginalisation of our faith. (1Ch.19:13)


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