MP’s try to overturn ban on claiming God can heal

Written by Super User 29 Mar 2012

Last month the Advertising Standards Authority told a group of Christians in Bath that they could not continue to make any claims in their advertising which state or imply that, by receiving their prayer, people could be healed. The group, called ‘Healing On The Streets Bath’, were specifically banned from using their leaflets which stated: ‘Need healing? God can heal today! We believe that God loves you and can heal you from any sickness.’ Atheist Hayley Stevens took offence at the group’s adverts, complaining to the ASA that the claims by the Christians could 'not be substantiated'. Her complaint was upheld and the ASA ordered the group to stop stating on their website or in literature that God can heal. Now three Christian MPs, Gary Streeter (Con), Gavin Shuker (Lab) and Tim Farron (Lib Dem) have written to the ASA asking them to produce ‘indisputable scientific evidence’ that prayer does not work, otherwise they will raise the issue in Parliament. (See Prayer Alert 06-2012)

Pray: that the work of HOTS will continue unhindered and that the ASA will reverse it’s decision. (Jn.16:33)


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