MP calls for reform of UK abortion law

Written by Super User 01 Mar 2012

Following an undercover investigation into abortion by the Daily Telegraph, Nadine Dorries MP has called for a reform of UK abortion law. The investigation uncovered the practice of gender selective abortions in a number of clinics, and has cast a wider question over how or even whether abortion laws are being followed. Ms Dorries has now suggested that the Abortion Act 1967 needs changing as it is ‘a badly drafted piece of legislation’. Under the Act, abortion is illegal unless it falls within certain exemptions. Under Grounds C, which is the exemption most often used, abortion may only be performed if continuing the pregnancy puts the mother’s (or her existing children’s) mental and physical health at greater risk than if she has an abortion. Yet critics have claimed that there is little evidence to suggest that this is a correct assumption in most cases, and that we now have abortion on demand in practice.

Pray: that serious consideration be given to reforming this abortion law. (Heb.7:12)


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