More on the Pope’s visit

Written by Super User 11 Sep 2010

During his weekly general audience at the Vatican Pope Benedict XVI declared: ‘I can't wait to undertake my trip to the United Kingdom’. He said he was aware that preparation for the controversial visit had required ‘a vast amount of work by Catholics, the British Government and local authorities in Scotland, Birmingham and London. The Pope said it would be ‘a particular joy’ to beatify the Anglican convert Cardinal John Henry Newman. ‘This truly great Englishman lived an exemplary clerical life and through his many writings made a fundamental contribution to the Church and society,’ Pope Benedict said. The Pope will beatify Cardinal Newman at Cofton Park, Birmingham, on Sunday Sept. 19, bringing the 19th century clergyman a step closer to sainthood. The Pope begins his visit in Edinburgh where he will be received by the Queen before celebrating mass at Bellahouston Park in Glasgow.

Pray: that the Pope’s visit will raise the spiritual awareness of the UK population. (2Sa.22:26)


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