Military Christian Organisations (MCOs)

Written by Super User 31 Oct 2010

November 6th will be a National Day of Prayer for our Armed Forces. A number of Christian organisations support the Armed Forces of the United Kingdom and work closely with the Service chaplaincies. These organisations include the Armed Forces’ Christian Union; others can be seen at All these organisations work together to encourage Christians serving within the Armed Forces, to pray for them, evangelise, provide Bible teaching and studies and Christian resources, to support marriages and family life and to encourage discipleship and spiritual growth. There are also links to Christians of other Armed Forces, through Military Missions International. There are 120 Military Christian Fellowships (MCFs) worldwide so far and they desire to encourage the formation of more MCFs to support and equip Christians in Armed Forces around the world.

Pray: for the work of all these MCOs in the service of our Armed Forces (Heb.12:11)


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