Methadone bigger killer than heroin in Scotland

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2013

Methadone has killed more people in Scotland than heroin for the second year running, according to the latest Government figures. The findings come after a review commissioned by the Scottish Government raised concerns about the £36 million methadone programme. Methadone, the heroin substitute, caused 237 deaths last year, amounting to 41 per cent of all drug-related fatalities. Methadone is provided by medics to addicts as a legal substitute for heroin, funded by the taxpayer. It is supposed to reduce dependency on heroin, but critics say users just become “parked” on methadone instead. The review chaired by Dr Brian Kidd, an addictions expert, said they found little evidence of a “real impetus” for addicts using methadone to recover. A Times newspaper investigation in 2010 concluded that addicts were pleading with the Government to help them get off drugs completely instead of just parking them on the heroin substitute.

Pray: for an effective programme to help addicts quit drugs completely. (Php.4:13)


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