Manchester: ‘The Spirit of Life’ event

Written by Super User 18 Apr 2011

Further to our report in last week’s Prayer Alert that Manchester Cathedral was to host a new age festival, it has come to light that the reports were not accurate and had been sensationalised by much of the media including our source. The Spirit of Life is a Christian festival offering a balanced programme of different spiritual traditions including Taize, choral evensong and contemporary spiritualities. There will be workshops that will provide Christian perspectives and offerings on how ancient spirituality meets contemporary culture at this unique event. The event offers a clear Christian alternative to the usual Mind, Body Spirit events with performances, meditations, stalls and workshops throughout the day. There will be no tarot card reading or fortune telling at the event. All contributors are Christians, many of them by ordained clergy, nuns, Catholics or evangelicals and all have undergone a rigorous application process by the organisers.

Pray: that the truth will out and all who attend will find that truth by the revelation of God’s Holy Spirit. (Gal.1:11)


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