Luton protest raise fears of disorder

Written by Super User 10 Feb 2011

Police expected to mount their biggest operation in the town's history, as thousands of English Defence League activists from across England will descend on Luton. Anti-racism campaigners are holding a counter demonstration in Luton also on Saturday. Unite Against Fascism, which is organising the event, says it expects supporters to travel from across the country. Luton councillor Mahmood Hussain said, ‘This event is creating more fear than anything else, especially among the elderly who have seen the pictures of what has happened at these events in the past. Everyone is very much concerned about what could happen because you only have to look at the record of this group to see what we face'. Community leaders and politicians have been working with different community groups in Luton since the EDL announced it was going to stage the protest.

Pray: for the people of Luton this weekend and against confrontational, violent protests. (Je.29:7)


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