Lib Dems vote for complete removal of blood safeguard

Written by Super User 26 Sep 2011

A weakened safeguard (From November men whose last sexual contact with another man was more than 12 months ago will be allowed to donate blood) which protects against HIV contaminating the blood supply should be removed because it is homophobic, the Liberal Democrats’ conference has heard. Delegates at the Lib Dems’ annual conference passed a motion which called for the complete removal of the weakened safeguard. One party member claimed the new rule was an example of ‘institutionalised homophobia’. Following the weakening of the blood safeguard The Christian Institute’s Mike Judge warned the new rule was a ‘huge cave-in to the demands of the homosexual lobby’. He wrote: ‘After lobbying by homosexual campaigners, we have now arrived at a situation where homosexuals have the right to donate blood regardless of the increased medical risks. This is the Alice-in-wonderland world of the equality agenda.’

Pray: for policy to be based on clinical evidence not political correctness. (2Co.7:1)


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