Law Society bans major marriage conference

Written by Super User 25 May 2012

The Law Society has revoked the booking of a major marriage conference to be held by Christian Concern and others because it is contrary to its ‘diversity’ policy. Christian Concern, which forms part of a family values coalition, the World Congress of Families, was due to host a colloquium at the Law Society on the issue of marriage, entitled ‘One man-One woman. Making the case for marriage for the good of society’. In an astonishing e-mail, Adam Tallis, General Manager of Ampersand at the Law Society, stated that the event ‘is contrary to our diversity policy, espousing as it does an ethos which is opposed to same-sex marriage.’ The Law Society’s decision comes at a time when the debate over the Government’s proposal to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples has reached fever pitch after over half a million people have signed a petition opposing the plans.

Pray: for our country to return to traditional marriage values and may God’s wisdom saturate the law makers at this time. (Is.33:6)




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