Labour leadership candidates compete for Christian support

Written by Super User 09 Jul 2010

The Methodist Central Hall in Westminster last week saw hustings where every candidate presented themselves as motivated by firm convictions. David Miliband explained, ‘I'm not a religious person but actually I'm a person of faith’ and that the Labour Party can learn from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. His brother Ed said hehad learnt ‘not a religious faith but a simple faith’ that ‘if you saw an injustice then you had to do something about it’. Andy Burnham, a Roman Catholic, emphasised the Christian origins of his politics insisting that ‘the basic tenets of the Labour Party and socialism are one and the same with those of Christianity’. Ed Balls had positive early memories of his parents' Anglican church and that his father's commitment to Labour had grown out of Christianity. Diane Abbott emphasised the values with which she had been brought up, saying ‘We could do worse than return to those values of faith, community and family’.

Pray: for these candidates that they might gain a true understanding of Christian faith. (Jas.2:14)


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