Kirk minister urges more action on homelessness

Written by Super User 31 Dec 2011

Homelessness kills, yet it seems like the world is still walking on by while it happens, says a senior Church of Scotland minister. On average a homeless person dies 30 years before their neighbours and while that statistic is shocking, it is no surprise, writes Rev Ian Galloway, Convener of the Kirk’s Church and Society Council, in his regular blog. Mr Galloway declares: ‘It’s not just the lack of a roof – it’s the lack of purpose, identity, place and belonging that grinds down the souls of those who have nowhere to lay their heads each evening. Homelessness kills and it seems like the world is still walking on
by.’ Mr Galloway writes: ‘It is not just beds, food and a roof we need to find that will cost a lot but when human lives are at stake, it seems a small price to pay.’

Pray: that the homeless will find purpose and identity in Christ. (1.Cor.4:11)


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