Jesus-themed Easter eggs

Written by Super User 24 Feb 2011

Launched by the Church of England, The Real Easter Egg, a milk chocolate egg to celebrate the real meaning of Easter, is said to be the first and only Fairtrade egg to mention Jesus on the box. Telling consumers that Easter is not all about cute bunnies, fluffy chicks, and eating too much chocolate. The packaging reveals the true message that Jesus died on the cross on Good Friday, then rose again three days later on Easter Sunday. Many believe that chocolate eggs represent the boulder that sealed Jesus’ tomb and with eggs being widely thought of as a symbol of hope and new life, the custom grew where people exchanged gifts of chocolate eggs at Easter. Each sale made will benefit two charities, Baby Lifeline and Traidcraft Exchange, with proceeds going to purchase everything from medical equipment for new mothers in the UK to chickens for small-scale farmers in Africa.

Pray: that this initiative will prove popular and will be a successful outreach opportunity. (Ac.5:20)




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