Islamic sect in fight for 'mega-mosque'

Written by Super User 10 Feb 2011

Leaders of the Islamic sect Tablighi Jamaat want to overturn an enforcement order served by Newham council requiring them to leave their West Ham site where they want to create a 12,000 capacity megga mosque. Over the years Tablighi Jamaat have been denied permission by the council to erect a permanent mosque on the site and a five year permit for a temporary mosque ran out in 2006. Since then they continue to develop facilities without permission, acting unlawfully. Their track record since buying the site in 1996 demonstrates they don’t abide by planning regulations. Opposer to the Mega Mosque, Newham Concern, is calling two Muslim experts as specialist witnesses to highlight the fundamentalist and socially harmful nature of the sect - highlighting their promotion of hard-line separatism, intolerance, and refusal to open their facilities to women. This inquiry is a moment of truth. If the appeal fails, the temporary mosque will close down and their dreams for the mega-mosque will be over.

Pray: for the Christians who intend to be present at the meetings from Tuesday to Thursday this week and next week. (Pr.1:20)


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