Is marriage worth defending?

Written by Super User 24 Mar 2011

By many measures, marriage has weakened in our society over the past two generations. Fewer people marry. More people divorce. Increasing numbers of people move through a series of sexual relationships without ever forming a lasting marriage. Not only the practice but also the understanding of marriage has shifted. Our society’s view of marriage, centred on mutual emotional satisfaction, is already far from classic Christian teaching. Now pro-homosexuality advocates are seeking to radically redefine the institution, reducing it to a relationship between any ‘two people who love each other’. Amidst all this conflict, is it worth the cost for Christians to continue to defend and promote this embattled institution? The Bible teaches that God brought together man and woman for the good of all humankind. Marriage is the most basic building block of human society. Almost every known culture distinguishes the marriage of man and woman from other relationships.

Pray: that marriage would be restored to its rightful place in our society as God intended. (Heb.13:4)


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