Hindus have welcomed the reports of Lincolnshire County Council allowing its schools to teach Paganism to students. Prominent Hindu statesman Rajan Zed living in Nevada said that all religions were different ways to relate to the Divine. Debbie Barnes, Assistant Director of Children's Services for Lincolnshire County Council, said individual schools can decide whether or not to teach Paganism. See http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1328080/Schools-ahead-teach-Paganism-alongside-major-religions.html?ito=feeds-newsxml Currently Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, and Judaism are part of the religious education. Recently Britain officially recognised Druidry as a religion and the rise of paganism in 21st century Britain has led to police officers advised on how to approach witches, and jailed druids allowed official pagan days of worship off prison work. Pray that Christians will stand against this growing acceptance of primitive beliefs so that new faiths will not undermines our social values. Pray: that Britain will fill her spiritual void with Jesus Christ and stop reaching out to ancient divinities. (Ac.19:18-20)