Girlguiding UK is backing a campaign to remove pictures of topless women from page 3 of The Sun newspaper. An online poll of more than 2,000 guides aged between 16 and 25 showed 88 per cent believed the editor of The Sun, Dominic Mohan, should end page 3. Girlguiding Advocate!, a group within the movement which is involved with public affairs, emailed Mr Mohan last week. It said of The Sun: ‘Anyone can pick it up and turn to page three and think that it is normal for young women to be treated as objects. We feel that this is just wrong and has to stop.’ Girlguide Katie Wormald, 17, came up with the idea of taking the poll. She said: ‘Children shouldn’t grow up thinking that this is the norm and that it is right.’ She added: ‘Young girls shouldn’t grow up thinking that they will achieve more by being sexually objectified’.
Pray: that this campaign will succeed in removing such pictures.