Fears that change to ONS figures sidelines marriage

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2011

The Office of National Statistics (ONS) has changed the frequency with which figures are published concerning children born outside of wedlock. Critics say that the changes are part of continued efforts to marginalise marriage as an institution. Figures for children born to unmarried mothers and those born to parents in ‘legal partnerships’ will now be released on an annual, as opposed to quarterly, basis. An ONS spokesperson said that the adjustments were due to spending cuts. There are fears that changing the publication of data in this way will make it harder to demonstrate the benefits of marriage for children. Patricia Morgan, of the think-tank Civitas, said: ‘This is a way of crossing marriage out of the public consciousness. It has been done one step at a time. The evidence that marriage is better for families and children is overwhelming, but if you don’t have the evidence you can no longer prove it’.

Pray: that despite these changes marriage will not be sidelined but the truth will out. (Ps.103:2)

More: http://www.christianconcern.com/our-concerns/social/fears-that-change-to-ons-figures-seeks-to-sideline-marriage

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