False economy of single person benefit cuts

Written by Super User 26 May 2011

The Government's planned cuts in housing benefit for 25-34 year-olds will be a false economy that will end up burdening welfare services, according to the Christian Peoples Alliance party. Changes to be introduced in a few months' time will see an average cut in housing benefit of £47 per week for people receiving the Shared Accommodation Rate (SAR). This is because their benefits will only cover the cost of a room in a shared house, instead of a self-contained flat. The CPA says what may only affect 88,000 people could have huge consequences for their ability to keep their lives on track. As Crisis, the homelessness charity put it these changes ‘will be an absolute disaster’. According to the CPA, ‘There is a false assumption that multi-occupancy accommodation is already there and available. In many places in Britain it is not, and the result will be further pressure on temporary accommodation and homelessness’.

Pray: that the government will reconsider and recognise the desperate needs of these young people. (Jas.2:16)

More: http://www.cpaparty.org.uk/?page=news&id=382

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