Explicit sex education materials for children

Written by Super User 24 Mar 2011

A report issued in the UK earlier this week, called ‘Too Much, Too Young,’ unmasks the extremely explicit nature of sex education material that public groups are pushing on school children as young as five-year-olds. Among other things, the controversial resources teach youngsters about oral and anal sex, as well as prostitution, masturbation, and ‘straight and gay,’ and include explicit depictions and descriptions of sexual intercourse, as well as real footage of full-frontal adult nudity. The issue of sex education has been a topic of much controversy in Britain with the recent debate of a compulsory sex education Bill in the House of Commons. While the coalition government has said sex education would not be mandatory in primary schools, the coalition is meanwhile reviewing the education guidelines and material. Even without a change in law, family groups are concerned over what guidelines the coalition may put in place.

Pray: that this controversal material would be withdrawn. (1Th.4:3-4)

More: http://www.lifesitenews.com/news/report-unmasks-extremely-explicit-sex-education-materials-for-children-in-u

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