Desperately difficult' to unite Church over Women bishops

Written by Super User 20 Jul 2010

The Archbishop of Canterbury admitted today that it will be ‘desperately difficult’ to keep the Church of England unified in light of its schismatic vote on women bishops. In a heartfelt appeal for unity after a particularly fraught week Dr Rowan Williams called on Anglicans to push ahead with the consecration of women bishops despite the fact that a minority of traditionalists, conservative evangelicals and Anglo-Catholics have threatened to leave the church over the issue. The beleaguered church leader suffered an ignominious defeat on Saturday evening when the General Synod rejected his personal appeal for a series of safeguards that would have provided a separate class of male-only bishops to administer to those who remain vehemently opposed to female leadership in the Church. Father David Houlding summed up the feeling of many conservative clergy members who will feel compelled to leave the Church if the ordination of women bishops goes ahead. 'There are just scraps left of the table and we are beginning to starve,' he said, his voice cracking. 'The door is being slammed in my face.'

Pray: for unity in the Anglican Church as it seeks to resolve this key issue. (Jn.17:23)


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