Demoted for expressing views on marriage

Written by Super User 01 Nov 2011

A public sector employee in Manchester has been demoted after he posted comments on his private facebook page questioning the idea of homosexual ‘marriages’ taking place on religious premises. Adrian Smith, an employee of tax-payer
funded Trafford Housing Trust, posted a comment in response to a BBC news headline about civil partnerships taking place on religious premises, saying that this was an ‘equality too far.' The comment, written outside of working hours, appeared on his private page and could only be seen by Mr Smith’s friends. A work colleague posted a comment in reply, asking if Mr Smith disagreed with the government’s proposal. He responded, saying: ‘No, not really. I don’t understand why people who have no faith and don’t believe in Christ would want to get hitched in church. The Bible is quite specific that marriage is for men and women.'

Pray: for Christians everywhere that they would continue to speak out boldly for our Christian beliefs. (Ac.4:29)


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