David Cameron ‘privately regrets’ redefining marriage

Written by Super User 12 Oct 2013

David Cameron said he wouldn’t have pushed through gay marriage had he known beforehand how alienated grassroots members would feel, it has been revealed. In quotes disclosed in a book by a newspaper columnist, the Prime Minister told one ally: ‘If I’d known what it was going to be like, I wouldn’t have done it.’ But he now denies regretting the legislation, saying in an interview: ‘I don’t think I expected quite the furore that there was. It’s clearly been very difficult for some people to take on, and I completely understand and respect that. I am passionate about marriage. I think it’s a great institution, and I think it should be available to people who are gay as well as those of us who aren’t.' Matthew d’Ancona’s book ‘In It Together’ gives a series of insights into the Prime Minister and his dealings with the cabinet.

Pray: that the comments made by the PM will lead to a deeper understanding and sensitivity. (Job.32:8)

More: http://www.christian.org.uk/news/david-cameron-privately-regrets-redefining-marriage/?e041013


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