Condom advertisements and young people

Written by Super User 31 Oct 2010

Condom use and their promotion in TV ads only helps to promote risk-taking behaviour in young people - behaviour that contributes to the spread of sexually transmitted disease and teenage pregnancies, the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) has said in a new campaign. The condom ads on UK television, which were approved by the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority in March this year to be shown during children’s peak viewing hours, are ‘priming’ children to have sex in their teens, SPUC says. Also increased condom use has resulted in ‘shamefully high rates’ of sexually transmitted disease among young people, and creates a ‘false sense of security’ for teens. A briefing by another organization, the Southern Cross Bioethics Institute, says that advertisers should not be allowed to promote condoms to children. The authors quote the BBC’s own editorial guidelines that state, ‘Programmes broadcast between 5:30am and 9pm must be suitable for a family audience including children’.

Pray: for the protection of young children from unnecessary and premature sexualisation. (Lev.18:21)


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