Commission wavers over Christian cases in Europe

Written by Super User 01 Sep 2011

The Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) has changed its mind over how it will intervene in the four cases of discrimination against Christians that will be heard in Europe soon. (See Prayer Alert 23-2011 & 34-2011) The EHRC said in July that it would intervene on behalf of Nadia Eweida, Shirley Chaplin, Gary McFarlane and Lillian Ladele in the European Court. It also said that the British courts had got it wrong in these cases, stating in a press release that ‘Judges have interpreted the law too narrowly in religion or belief discrimination claims’ and that the courts had given ‘insufficient’ protection to those manifesting religious beliefs. However, in a subsequent consultation document, the EHRC has said that it will now act to support Chaplin and Eweida (relating to the right to wear a cross) but will oppose Ladele and McFarlane (relating to providing certain services to homosexual couples), stating that the ‘domestic courts came to the correct conclusions’ in these two cases.

Pray: God for this initial success but now pray that the EHRC will reconsider Ladele and McFarlane’s judgement. (Ps.9:19)


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