Civic, faith and political leaders welcome Just Festival

Written by Super User 05 Aug 2013

The Scottish Government, the European Parliament, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu and civic and faith leaders were among those involved in the official opening of the 2013 Just Festival. Hundreds of people turned out for the occasion at St John's Episcopal Church, in the heart of Edinburgh, on Saturday 3 August. Just Festival is the largest multi-ethnic and multi-faith event of its kind. This year it features 129 events across 450 performances and 28 venues from 2-26 August. "As ever, the vibrant multi-cultural mix of the Festival is a key feature of its continuing popularity and it is great to see a continued commitment to building positive relations within the diverse communities of Scotland. "Each year, there are some fantastic and engaging talks on important topics such as peace-making, the future of Scotland and working to eliminate sectarianism and discrimination. We wish the Just Festival and all involved in it the very best for their busy programme."

Pray: for all those running and visiting this festival throughout August. Pray that's its impact will be positive and long lasting. (Rev.5:9)


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