Churches urged to step into breach created by cuts

Written by Super User 04 Nov 2010

The Archbishop of York, Dr Sentamu, said it was ‘madness’ to cut investment from public services and communities after the Government unveiled its cuts to public spending in the Comprehensive Spending Review. Dr Sentamu urged people to ‘stand up and call on the state to play its part by investing in Britain’s recovery’. The Bishop for Urban Life and Faith, the Rt Rev Christopher Chessun, who will be translated from Woolwich to Southwark early next year, said: ‘The cuts are accompanied by changes to the way welfare and housing are provided. This has implications not just for vulnerable individuals, but whole communities.’ The Bishop of Bristol, the Rt Rev Michael Hill, told BBC News it was ‘slightly chilling’ that the Government had ‘targeted some five million benefit recipients, and is trying to knock down their benefits. Nobody thinks that’s a bad thing for people who are clearly cheating the benefit system, but my understanding is that the majority aren’t’.

Pray: that God's Spirit will move communities to succour the needy. (Pr.14:31)


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