Churches Together hail ‘year of celebration’

Written by Super User 02 Feb 2012

The Presidents of Churches Together in England (CTE) have heralded 2012 as a ‘year of celebration’. With the Olympic Games and torch relays, and the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee all on the horizon, they say the four month period from May to September will provide opportunities for people to gather and celebrate together ‘in ways which will both enhance and deepen community life’. The CTE Presidents are the Moderator of the United Reformed Churches, the Rev Michael Heaney, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Westminster, Vincent Nichols, and the head of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain, the Rt Rev Jana Jeruma-Grinberga. In a joint statement, the Church leaders spoke
of the ‘unprecedented’ collaboration between the denominations ahead of the Olympics. ‘More Christian communities from different traditions than ever before are coming together to plan practical ways of serving the project of the Olympic Games, which can bring many and diverse benefits,’ they said.

Pray: for all those involved in the preparations for the celebrations and especially for the successful collaboration between the denominations. (Ps.145:7)


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