Church ‘like drunken man nearing a precipice’

Written by Super User 29 Aug 2013

The Archbishop of Canterbury has warned that the Anglican Church is moving towards the ‘edge of a precipice’ amid disputes between liberals and traditionalists. Justin Welby said the church was in danger of abandoning its core beliefs while also falling into a ‘ravine of intolerance’ in the way its deals with divisive issues such as gay marriage and female bishops. Speaking during a visit to Mexico, he likened the behaviour of the Church to a ‘drunk man’ staggering close to the edge of a cliff and drew parallels between the crisis afflicting the 77-million-strong Anglican community and the atmosphere in the Civil War. ‘I sometimes worry that as Anglicans we are drifting back in that direction. Not consciously, of course, but in an unconscious way that is more dangerous,’ he said. ‘It is a dangerous place, a narrow path we walk as Anglicans at present.’

Pray: for the church as it seeks direction and less confusion. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide our leaders with clarity and true vision. (Ps.48:14)


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