Church planting increases

Written by Super User 28 Apr 2011

Church planting is back on the Baptist agenda - but though more congregations are being started it's harder to reach people, as fewer know the Christian story. The results of a survey about new Baptist congregations from 2005 and the denomination's latest work were posted on the Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) website last week. The information shows the number of new churches is rising with more on their way, while a renewed focus on the subject at national level is seeking to recapture the Baptist heritage of 'radical mission, risky pioneering and planting', and fund and equip those who wish to do it. Nevertheless, for this activity to have a meaningful impact there needs to be a sustained commitment across the denomination. 'Church planting is harder now than 20 years ago as we increasingly encounter communities and individuals with little or no knowledge of the gospel and negative perceptions of the institutional church,'

Pray: for all new churches and those that are planned that they will be effective in delivering the Gospel message to more and more people. (Ac.16:5)



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