Justin Welby criticised

Written by Super User 16 Jun 2023
Justin Welby criticised

The Archbishop of Uganda has criticised Justin Welby’s condemnation of Uganda’s anti-homosexuality law. Most Rev Stephen Kaziimba hit out at Archbishop Justin for expressing opinions on global matters that he ‘knows little about firsthand’. Last week, Justin Welby asked the Ugandan leader to reject the new strict law forbidding the ‘promotion of homosexuality’ and introducing the death penalty for so-called ‘aggravated cases’, which include sex with a minor, incest, and having sex while HIV-positive. He said that supporting the law is a fundamental departure from the Anglican Church’s commitment to uphold the freedom and dignity of all people. Archbishop Stephen said, ‘Even if the Anti-Homosexuality Act 2023 was not signed into law, homosexuality would remain criminalised in Uganda, as it is in over a third of the world. Homosexuality was already criminalised in the colonial-era penal code.’ He concluded by reaffirming that the Ugandan Church no longer recognises Justin Welby as ‘the first among equals of the Primates’, and prayed for the Church of England to repent.

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