Church minister condemns trafficking

Written by Super User 24 Mar 2011

The Rev Ian Galloway, the Convenor of the Church of Scotland's Church and Society Council, said it was ‘repugnant’ that children were being used as sex slaves in Scotland. His comments follow the publication of a report from the Scottish Commissioner for Children and Young People. The report says that at least 80 children may have been trafficked into Scotland for sexual or other exploitation without anyone being convicted for the crimes. Some of the victims have come from thousands of miles away, trafficked from the likes of China, Vietnam or the Democratic Republic of Congo. Writing in his Blog, the Rev Ian Galloway said: ‘The fact that dozens of children are being used as sex slaves in our cities, towns and neighbourhoods is utterly repugnant. This should be a call to action for everyone in Scotland. How can we let this happen?’

Pray: that the report and Convenor’s comment will be noted by the authorities and lead to positive action. (Mk.7:21-22)


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