Church coalition at party conferences

Written by Super User 24 Sep 2010

Five denominations have formed a coalition to raise their shared concerns with the three main parties during conference season. The coalition is formed of senior leaders from the Baptist Union of Great Britain, the Methodist Church, the Quakers, the Salvation Army and the United Reformed Church. They hope to keep the Government’s Big Society initiative, affordable housing and poverty on the agenda when they attend the conferences of the Liberal Democrat, Labour and Conservative parties during September and October. These denominations are encouraging members of the public to attend the fringe events that they and Christian political fellowships are staging alongside each of the conferences. The Rev Martyn Atkins, General Secretary of the Methodist Conference said: ‘Some people believe that politicians don’t ‘do God’ and that the churches shouldn’t get involved in political life. Our delegation demonstrates that the churches value the vocation of those who work to improve our society through political life’.

Pray: that our politicians will take into account our Christian values when planning change. (Ps.103:6)


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