Christmas bonuses 'discriminate'

Written by Super User 25 Nov 2010

Guinness Care and Support is refusing to pay its staff overtime for working at Christmas because it claims the move would discriminate against other religions. A staff member said: ‘We have learnt that senior head office management have decided that all staff who work on Christmas Day and Boxing Day will be paid standard flat rate wages with no bonuses whatsoever.The management themselves are on two weeks' annual leave. It has come as a shock and left us all stunned.' Ben Bradshaw, Labour MP for Exeter, said: ‘We are still an overwhelmingly Christian society and Christmas is a religious festival and a public holiday. Other religious festivals are not public holidays and I do not think Guinness is comparing like with like. Christmas Day is the one day that people want to be with their loved ones and if they have to work on that day they should be paid accordingly.’

Pray: that the management will be brought to reconsider the niggardliness of their new policy. (Job.5:16)


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