Christians' freedom to express beliefs at risk

Written by Super User 04 Nov 2010

Prominent clerics, including Lord Carey, the former Archbishop of Canterbury, argue that supporters of homosexual rights must not be allowed to ‘coerce silence’. Their comments centre on a landmark legal challenge by a churchgoing couple who were banned by a council from becoming foster parents because they believed homosexuality was unacceptable. The bishops claim that the case will determine whether Christians can continue to express their beliefs in this country. They say that the High Court will be ruling on a ‘clash of rights’ which threatens to label religious belief as ‘problematic’ if it decides that it is acceptable to discriminate against those with traditional Christian views on homosexuality. For background information to the case see: Lord Carey said ‘So many Christians are being marginalised as a result of this hard secularism which is knocking traditional ethics’.

Pray: that secularism will be checked and religious freedom of expression will be upheld. (Mk.16:15)



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