Christians must be visible in the community

Written by Super User 16 Aug 2011

Britain’s Christian community must provide a strong visible presence on the nation’s streets during tough times, Street Pastors founder Les Isaac says. Street Pastors is an organisation that was launched in 2003 in response to London’s growing gang culture and yobbish behaviour. More than 9,000 volunteers now patrol streets throughout the UK on a regular basis. ‘We have been going out on the streets ever since the start of the riots, but we think as things are calming down, it’s now even more important for us to be out and we want church leaders to stand alongside us.’ Aside from calling Christians to go out on the streets, Rev Isaac is calling on the church to pray strategically during these difficult times. ‘I believe that young people have a major part to play in finding solutions for the problems with disaffected youth, and prayer will help to kick start the solution finding process.’

Pray: that the Christian community will make a strong, positive and prayerful response to the recent riots. (Je.42:3)


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